Friday, March 25, 2011


 Mykaella's essay was very interserting. It covered many different aspects about the Native Americans. This essay explain how the indians were mistreated and how they came to be the way they are now. Mykaella wrote about how the Native Americans were forced to assimilate and how everything was changing around then.

Paulette's essay was really good. It had alot of information about the mistreatment of the Native Americans. She wrote about how the white settlers used violence to get what they wanted. This constant violence against the indians caused the Wounded Knee Massacre. I agree with her opinion that the Native American should have kept their identity, pride and traditions.

In Andy's essay I learned how the Native Americans were tricked into signing the contracts made by the U.S. government. The U.S. promised the indians many benefits if the left to the reservations but they did come through at the end. Many indians went hungry in this reservation and many dieaese were spread. Andy's essay was very interseting to read.

Ashley's essay was very interseting. I agree with her opinion that the white people were trying to get rid of the Native Americans. The white people knew the issues of the indian but contiuned to ignore them. I also feel bad for the indian because even today they still are struggling to survive.

Cristian's essay was really interseting. His essay was very detailed and descriptive. He also included some pictures to go along with the essay. Cristian's essay also spoke of how the lands of the Native Americans was taken away and how they were forced to assimilate.

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